PM SHRI Kendriya Vidyalaya Sheikhupur, Budaun is a Civil Sector school.
PM SHRI Kendriya Vidyalaya Sheikhupur, Budaun was started from 01-04-2007 in DIET Campus Civil Line Budaun.
On 02-01-2012 it was shifted to newly constructed Building at Sheikhupur.
The building campus is spread in the area of 14.8 acre.
Building is provided with all infrastructural facilities, beautiful Lawns and a big playfield.
There are 950 Students in the school in which 531 are boys and 419 girls as on 31-10-2024.
There are 2 section in primary along with one section of Balvatika -III & two section for classes VI to X, and three sections in XI XII.
There are 26 classrooms and well equipped Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Computer labs.